My favorite movie

 After of thinking a lot, I would say that one of the best movie I have seen is "Hasta el último hombre" (netflix name) Although his real name is "Hacksaw Ridge". This movie make me feel really emotional for have differents topics.

One one hand, It shows the personal life of a young man (Desmond Doss) with his family and his engaged insert in the Second World War. In other matter, his tough experience in the regiment of United States because of the maltreatment of his warmates, seeing him like a coward for not wanting to use a gun (he is a conscientious objector). I will not talk about more of the movie because I don't want to be a spoiler and you see it. It is a very explicit movie when it comes to showing the war, so it is not recommended for sensitive people, I say this because the first time I saw it, there is a specific scene that makes you in shock xD. This film is the last I have seen (I prefer to watch series) and I highly recommend it.



  1. It looks very interesting. I do not like war movies but I will give it a chance, at least I have no problems with explicit scenes :D

  2. I saw this movie and is amazing the determination of the protagonist for save his comrades.

  3. I love this movie, I cried so much when I watched it haha Desmond is so cool and lovely :(

  4. I think I heard about this movie but I didn’t pay attention to it. Now I will take a look!

  5. I have always liked how the movie is not about the battles in war, but how one young man can help without harming.

  6. I’ve heard a lot about this movie but haven’t seen it yet, now I think I’ll give it a chance!

  7. :o this is my favorite movie too, wow, I don't expected to find anyone else that like this movie that much

  8. I love this movie too!! I have seen it many times andx in all of them I have cried


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